despite all the inconsistencies of moral arguement (talking of ethical ecology and our disconnection with nature on one hand and then flying to the andamans belching jet fuel into the ozone layer for the sake of a philosophical whim de wit on the other) i thoroughly enjoy reading stephen's book - it is full of pretensions and elitist french idolatry and indigenous romanticism but it is also littered with brilliant references - it gives clues into what i could make of fictocritical writing -
reference one:
"this is true, the subjunctive mood is the one exploited by the fictionalists, the indicative by the law-makers. but what if, instead of pointing our bony finger at the world, from the outside as it were, judging it, we wrote from the INSIDE of things, from our necessary assembly or convocation of those non-human things that have always helped us to think. we think with pencils in our hands, or with a symphony in the background. With these prostheses we are3 always, were always, more than human." 113-114
reference two:
"history no longer describes the manifest destiny of an oppressed class, for singular history has splintered into so many micropolitical lobbies. advocates for one event or another, one group or another , can revive memories of past struggles, as was done so effectively in michael haneke's film cache (hidden)." 127
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