drive by thoughts
drive up to byron and hear great life matters program on RN about objects and memories and the powerful and emotional stories that are attached. i immediately thought of the noddy record that i kept from very early childhood. i loved that record. the fact that noddy had been falsly accused of letting the animals out of the ark, taken to court with all the asociated guilt and ulimately rjoyously rekeased with a triumphant affirmation of innocence. i know now why i so emotionally connected the guilt of and betrayal of being sexually assulted and the instinctive desire to be found innocent and totally relieved of the guilt that the burden bore. that i took 40 years to be realized is a miracle and an indictment on collective responsiblity and memory as a whole. i think this may have contributed to the total anxiety attack i suffered on the sunday return journey. the stay in taree hospital was a safe refuge as hospitals always were when i was young. i rember the one week stay in st george hospital with an appendectimy was a total relief as an escape from the dysfunctional household. it may have been in fact the first time i had seen a normal functional social environmnet outside the home.
posted by Bob Percival @ 9:30 AM
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