Memory, Remembrance and Literature [blog]
Hello all and welcome to the student blog for the Memory and Literature in a Globalised Culture course at UCL and Aarhus University.
Hopefully the invitations to participate in this blog got through - if you haven't received an email, please contact me or write in the forum on Moodle.
The conference this monday was very interesting and thankfully Jakob and Elena fought their way through the snow so we were able to engage in some enlightening discussions on sites of memory.
One of the examples from mondays discussion was 'Den Gamle By' (The Old City) in Ã…rhus, which I think displays some of the ideas also found in 'England, England'. A lot of other examples were mentioned in the discussion and I can't 'remember' them all, so feel free to post them in this forum, to help us all create our own collective memory and to help us remember the inspiring spring semester spent online.
Major literary works we will study in the 2010 session
We are now in the final stages of preparing the Memory course for the 2010 session. It looks like we will have groups of about 5 students from each of our three partner programmes at University College London, University of Aarhus and University of Lisbon. During the coming term, starting January 11, we will be discussing Julian Barnes' novel England, England and Joseph O'Neill's Netherland. As in last year's session we shall introduce the study of cultural memory with the Chicago World Exhibition, and we will also be discussing the film, Babel, and the relationship between new media and new conceptions of media by looking at digital sites of memory in Second Life. An exciting 10 week term is ahead of us.
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